My Labyrinth.

I’ve been fascinated with the word labyrinth ever since I read Looking for Alaska. Fact about words I like-I usually like them for how they sound. But this was different. So I pushed myself to be a little inquisitive about the origin of this word. So labyrinth basically means a maze. Only its not a maze. A labyrinth has only one way out. In ancient Greek mythology a labyrinth was built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur, a mythical creature that was half man and half bull at the center. It required tremendous efforts to get out of this maze.

Which brings me to my interpretation. Pain is our own personal labyrinth. The cause of our pain,our demon is in the center. We push ourselves away from it. We persevere to find a way out so that we can get on with our life. Some paths unfortunately lead us right back to it. The minute we think we’ve found freedom we find ourselves staring at our demon face to face. Now we have a choice. We can either give up and succumb to our demons wants or we can take no for an answer and try to look for another path.

The past year has been my year of getting out of the labyrinth. And I say,as senile as it sounds there is a little beauty in it. Not only do you get to know yourself a little better,you enjoy the fact that you have control over your demon. You can choose to move away from your demon. The walk through your labyrinth is a journey. A journey towards freedom. So enjoy it. The walls are there for a reason. The course is there for a reason. It’s to remind you that what lies on the outside is the rest of your life.